viernes, 13 de diciembre de 2013

Here comes The Summer!!!

Hi friends and teacher today I am going to talk about my plans for this summer. Well I have many plans for this vacations, the first is that i´ll go to Mexico and I will visit Playa del Carmen and Cancun for 7 days, I go with my parents my brother, my grandparents and my boyfriend. We go to this place because is a very touristic place and also very beautiful besides I never visit the Caribe. My trip is in January 30, the trip takes 10 hours. I am very exciting because the place is very beautiful and also very different, also in that place you can do many different activities like dive, swim with dolphins and swimming in the sea with warm water.

Another plan for my vacations is going to Los Vilos because my family and I go to that place every year is like a tradition, I enjoy a lot go to Los Vilos because is very quiet and relaxing for my, also in that place I can do many different things like running, bicycling and walk for all the town because is very little, to this place I go with my parents, my brother, my grandparents and of course my boyfriend.

I hope that all my friends have a nice holiday.


viernes, 6 de diciembre de 2013

A game I played as a child

Hi teacher and friends today I am going to talk about a game I played as a child. Well when I was a child everything was so different, because i went to the school and always play in all breaks with my friends, of course when I was in basic education. My friends and I played an kind of games like “La Pinta”, the hidden, , the ice, ice, sun, but my favourite was always “ The police, thief”.
When I knowledge this game I was 9 or 10 years old and from this moment was my favourite because the game consist of two groups, one group are the cops, and the other group are the thieves; when the game start the cops must be in the “Capacha” which is the prison of the thieves, when t cops are in that place the thieves have 10 seconds to run away before the cops come to catch them and take the Capacha. When the police catch all the thieves the game is over. I play this game with almost all my classmates, because all prefer that game and also needed a large group to play it.
I enjoyed so much his game because it was very exciting, you needed run as fast as you could if you were a thief and you needed catch many thieves as you can if you were police. I remember the last time I playes this game, was in my study tour, all my classmates and I played this game one last time for remember old days.  

viernes, 29 de noviembre de 2013


Hello teacher and friends, today I am going to talk about a job I would like to have. Well I would like to job in many things for trying something different and have many opinions, but specially I will talk about a job I want to do in my life, That is be a teacher, teach something related to the career of geography, even not decide what matter, but I think that problem I decide with the time, when find what area of geography is the best for me. I would like to be a teacher because I believe that this job is very interesting and besides you work with people that learn from you, this is the best of this job.

I think that for be a good teacher I need to know a lot of the matter that I teach; besides I need to be an impartial person for all my students in all moments, that way I avoid problems of any kind. I think that can be a good teacher because this is something I would like to do all my life and of course because I´ll be teaching some matter that know really well and like so much.

As for my inspiration I can’t say that somebody is my role model, because is not it, but I think that some teachers that I know are really good, very good teachers and with an excellent teaching model.

I hope to work in that someday and be a good teacher for my students and for the institution where I work.



viernes, 22 de noviembre de 2013

A Walk You Would Like to Do Again

Hello bloggers, today I´ m going to talk about a walk I would like to again. I would like to walk again for the city of Buenos Aires, especially for the neighbourhood of Palermo and Caminito.

I would like to walk for Palermo again because this is a wonderful place, is like Bellavista. The neighbourhood have many discos, pubs, restaurants and also is a very touristic district.When I went to Buenos Aires and knowledge Palermo, I found it a great place and spent a wonderful time in the pubs and clubs, also I known many new people, and I had fun, for this reason I would love to cross it again in some moment of my life, but this time with my boyfriend.

On the other hand I would like to go back Caminito because when I was in that place I pass and excellent time, the place has many places with memories, clothes, leather clothing, purse, shoes, and drinks, there are also restaurants and pubs and in the corners you find couples dancing tango all the time.

In general I would like to walk for all Buenos Aires again, I think that the entire city is amazing, has many diversions and places to see; when I was there I taste tasty meats, wonderful pizzas with a yummy cheese and also a wonderful and very creamy ice cream.

I hope to go to Buenos Aires gain, but this time I hope to go with my boyfriend to visit all these beautiful places with him and spend many romantic moments together.



Free post

viernes, 8 de noviembre de 2013

The Future

Hi friends today I’m going to talk about the future, well I think that en ten years I will be at Santiago in my house and maybe married with my boyfriend with one or two childrens.
About work I think that in 10 years I´ll be titled as geography and I will work on that, also I think will work with my husband in the business of my parents in La Vega Central selling avocados. Principio del formularioAs I said before at this point I would like to share my life with my boyfriend, and hopefully have 5 children. 4 men and 1 girl, I always wanted a large family and of course always be close to my parents I never would leave alone. In 10 years I hope I got a beautiful family, a great economic stability to give everything my family needs, a good job and my own house, also I hope to travel a lot and meet many countries and cultures.

I believe that in 10 years the world will be greatly changed with many more technology, be filled more and more garbage in every were and also I think that the world is going to be more dangerous for everyone and also increase much poverty and population.

As for my life I hope everything goes as I have planned that be wonderful for me, but about the world, I hope changes I think not happen because I want a beautiful and quiet world for my family and for me.


viernes, 25 de octubre de 2013

27 F

Hello teacher and classmates, today I’m going to talk about the earthquake of February 27. This event was two years ago in 2010, I was in a car when the earthquake began with a friend; we came on way home from a party. When the earthquake began the car stopped and began to move a lot, also the wind was very strong. I don’t have a fear of earthquakes and for this reason when the earthquake finished, I quickly return home seeing if my family was okay. Fortunately nothing happened to them, the only problem was that my mother had a fit of hysteria and my little brother was in tears; in the house was all good, all the crockery was in It place and also the furniture.

For me and everyone I know the earthquake was not as severe because nobody got hurt and no one lost their house or something like that, but in the south in places like Iloca, Dichato, Cobquecura the earthquake was something catastrophic that destroyed everything in its path helped by the tsunami that term by raze everything leaving hundreds dead, children without their mothers, wives without husbands and also completely destroyed families.

The earthquake was very intense with a magnitude of 8.8° on the scale of Richter becoming the second strongest in the history of Chile and the sixth strongest in world history. Everyone knows that Chile is a very seismic country and we all know that will continue to be home to large earthquakes therefore we must be better prepared to withstand these disasters and do not continue to collect as many lives and families.    


viernes, 18 de octubre de 2013


Hi teacher and classmates, today I´m going to talk about my beautiful pet, she is my little poodle toy Luly. She is very small and weights two kilos; also she is white and has six years old. Luly was a gift from my parents for Christmas; they gave it to me because I wanted to have a small dog to have it in the house or with me in my room, and for that reason Luly was the perfect choice.
 Luly is so special to me, she sleeps with me, is my companion all day, in fact it's like my baby; the only bad thing is that it is very heavy and angry with all the people outside the family, but those are details. As I said before Luly is like my baby's and for that reason I care so much, I give special meal that I prepare, I bath her once a week and of course I give so much love every day. I love Luly and I hope she lives many more years and always be with me.

jueves, 17 de octubre de 2013


Hello classmates, today I going to talk about a special meal. The meal was with my boyfriend in Bariloche, we were celebrating our first day of vacation together in another country, the restaurant was called El Montañes. In there place we ate a delicious barbecue with some delicious fruit juices. The dinner was very special to me because it was very romantic and also had a very entertaining time together with good food, my boyfriend always remember those times together with the potos that we took and we keep to remember.
I hope to go to that place again, Bariloche is a beautiful place with good restaurants and beautiful scenery, but also with loving people that living in the place. 

viernes, 4 de octubre de 2013

A beautiful beach

Hi teacher and classmates, today I´m going to talk about a beautiful beach that I know, this beach calls Ñague. This amazing beach is in the north of the country near to Los Vilos, but this beach is special because nobody knows, because is a private beach and only the rich people who live in that place have the main access, for that reason all the people who want the visit the beach must go through to a ravine to get it, and is very difficult because the ravine is so big, and also is so steep.

The last time I visit this beach was in fiestas Patrias, I went with my boyfriend and we spent all morning there, was very special because the beach is completely alone and were just two of us, we walk along the beach, collected shells, take the sun and also we swam up a bii, the beach is beautiful and really romantic, my boyfriend and I spent a great time together.

I think that is amazing find a beach that nobody knows, is great visit a beach all to yourself , because you can have a romantic moment, also you can swim much more relaxed and do wherever you want.

viernes, 27 de septiembre de 2013

Something I would like to learn to do...

Hello teacher and classmates, today I ´m going to talk about something I would like to learn to do.  I love to learn to dance Tango, be a wonderful tango dancer. I want to dance tango because it is a dance very sensual and also very beautiful, besides is not very common and not all dance it. I think it´s very hard to learn to dance, because the steps are very complicated and also I´m not a good dancer, in fact I never danced so this would be a challenge for me.  Tango is a dance very difficult according to experts for that matter; I think I could learn to dance in a time of six months if I work hard, besides all the steps must be coordinated whit dance partner and that adds difficulty.

For dance tango I not need much equipment, just a good pair of high heels and a beautiful dress to look cute in the dance floor.  I think it will be a great difficulty doing tango steps because they need a lot of discipline and dedication, another difficulty that can arise is the coordination with dance partner.

I hope in the future learn to dance tango and hopefully be a excellent dancer and show beautiful choreographies.  


viernes, 13 de septiembre de 2013

Fiestas Patrias

Hello teacher and classmates, today I am going to talk about one of my best Fiestas Patrias celebration, that was three years after in Los Vilos, I went with my family and my best friend  all the week of celebration, we spend a wonderful time, we laugh a lot, eat a lot and drink a lot to!!

My friend and I go out so much together and for that reason, we met two friends and with them we pass a so much funny and good moments all that week.

The days 18 and 19 my family did a big and delicious roast, with meat, ribs, sausage, and chicken all that accompanied with rice, potatoes and salad, this two days I eat like crazy and went up two kilos,also those two nights my family my friend and I went to the Fonda, in that place we dance cueca, eat empanadas, and play typical games of Chile.

I hope that this year the celebration be as good as three years before, I want eat a lot, share with my family, friends and my boyfriend and also I hope enjoy the beach and all the attractions that brings the holyday.

I wish you all spend a wonderful Fiestas Patrias celebration!!! I hope you enjoy a lot too!!


viernes, 6 de septiembre de 2013


Hello teacher and classmates, today I going to write about my favourite soap, VICTORIA!! The best soap that I watched in my life. This it´s Colombian soap that tells the story of Victoria de Arismendi, a woman of 50 years, mother of three, and wife of the prestigious and rich lawyer Enrique Arismendi.

The drama begins when Enrique leaves Victoria for a young woman, Tatiana a beautiful lawyer. Victoria stays alone with her 2 daughters and her son and suffer a lot of time for her husband.  Time later Victoria knows Geronimo Acosta a young and handsome radio announcer a men who pursues and falls in love with her. They begin a beautiful relationship, in the first instance all her family opposes and also his husband, but she continues whit Geronimo no matter what.

In the final moment Enrique leaves Tatiana and Geronimo go out of the country for job matters, but Victoria would not accompany.  Enrique wanted to recover Victoria, but she doesn’t want, then when Geronimo returned for her, he and Victoria stay together and began a live side by side
Enrique stay alone, and Tatiana never returned with him, because she understand that he never love her.



lunes, 22 de julio de 2013

My experience this semester

Hello classmates, today I am going to talk, about my experience this semester in the class of english three. I enjoy so much this clase, because is really entertaining and relaxed, with good company and also with an amazing teacher;  is really good way of start the week.

My favorite post was about my best holidays, because I remember all the good moments, and all the new places that I know. My least favorite post was about a building, I think it was a very boring and uninteresting to write jejej in my personal experience.

In my opinión all the blogs of my classmates were very interesting and with good stories, but I most say that the most attractive blog is the blog of Kassandra in my particulary opinion, because I always read her publications and i think they are interesting.

For me the blog was a really good help as a lenguage learning tool, because, I learning new words, and corrected some mistakes in my english vocabulary.

I hope that the next level (english four)  be just as entertaining to english three, and of course  I hope that we all learn much more about english.



lunes, 8 de julio de 2013


Hello classmates, today I´m going to talk about my favorite Tv programme, for me,  the best anime of all time, I talk about SLAM DUNK.

This anime tell the story of Hanamichi Sakuragi, a man with a very sad life, and with a even worse love life. Sakuragi known basketball when he meets Haruko, the sister of akagi, captain of Shohoku. Hanamichi start practicing basketball and discover his real passion, and also his nemesis, a guy call Rucawa, the most handsome guy of the school. From this moment Sakuragi focus his life in the sport, he played the position of Ala pivot and whit the shirt number ten of his teen, he quickly becomes in one of the most important player oh Shohoku and later one of the most important players in the regional area, and of the entire country.

The programme started in 1993 and finished in 1996, with only 101 chapters that end when the basketball team Shohoku go to the regional championship, but with a complete story in japonese manga whit 31chapters.

I whatched this programme in ETC Tv, many years ago, and still loved, because is very funny and also is a really interesting story for me, and for many people.