viernes, 29 de noviembre de 2013


Hello teacher and friends, today I am going to talk about a job I would like to have. Well I would like to job in many things for trying something different and have many opinions, but specially I will talk about a job I want to do in my life, That is be a teacher, teach something related to the career of geography, even not decide what matter, but I think that problem I decide with the time, when find what area of geography is the best for me. I would like to be a teacher because I believe that this job is very interesting and besides you work with people that learn from you, this is the best of this job.

I think that for be a good teacher I need to know a lot of the matter that I teach; besides I need to be an impartial person for all my students in all moments, that way I avoid problems of any kind. I think that can be a good teacher because this is something I would like to do all my life and of course because I´ll be teaching some matter that know really well and like so much.

As for my inspiration I can’t say that somebody is my role model, because is not it, but I think that some teachers that I know are really good, very good teachers and with an excellent teaching model.

I hope to work in that someday and be a good teacher for my students and for the institution where I work.



3 comentarios:

  1. Hello Fran ,nice job you want to do, you have to have a lot of vocation :3
    see you

  2. Francisca, you'll be the most sexy teacher on the world! I think you have not to much patience hahhaha so think better if really be a teacher or not... See you!

  3. Jajaja I like the last post xd
    Well, Is strange, but I imagine you how teacher, I hope you can work in this
