lunes, 22 de julio de 2013

My experience this semester

Hello classmates, today I am going to talk, about my experience this semester in the class of english three. I enjoy so much this clase, because is really entertaining and relaxed, with good company and also with an amazing teacher;  is really good way of start the week.

My favorite post was about my best holidays, because I remember all the good moments, and all the new places that I know. My least favorite post was about a building, I think it was a very boring and uninteresting to write jejej in my personal experience.

In my opinión all the blogs of my classmates were very interesting and with good stories, but I most say that the most attractive blog is the blog of Kassandra in my particulary opinion, because I always read her publications and i think they are interesting.

For me the blog was a really good help as a lenguage learning tool, because, I learning new words, and corrected some mistakes in my english vocabulary.

I hope that the next level (english four)  be just as entertaining to english three, and of course  I hope that we all learn much more about english.



2 comentarios:

  1. Hi Fran
    I read your post of "holidays" and is Great, imagine all.. jajaja so it is a good post
