viernes, 13 de septiembre de 2013

Fiestas Patrias

Hello teacher and classmates, today I am going to talk about one of my best Fiestas Patrias celebration, that was three years after in Los Vilos, I went with my family and my best friend  all the week of celebration, we spend a wonderful time, we laugh a lot, eat a lot and drink a lot to!!

My friend and I go out so much together and for that reason, we met two friends and with them we pass a so much funny and good moments all that week.

The days 18 and 19 my family did a big and delicious roast, with meat, ribs, sausage, and chicken all that accompanied with rice, potatoes and salad, this two days I eat like crazy and went up two kilos,also those two nights my family my friend and I went to the Fonda, in that place we dance cueca, eat empanadas, and play typical games of Chile.

I hope that this year the celebration be as good as three years before, I want eat a lot, share with my family, friends and my boyfriend and also I hope enjoy the beach and all the attractions that brings the holyday.

I wish you all spend a wonderful Fiestas Patrias celebration!!! I hope you enjoy a lot too!!


4 comentarios:

  1. Good! You danced cueca and not only cumbia like the most!
    See you!

  2. Nice holiday
    I can say that the best of this holiday is all the food and chicha JAJA

  3. In the school I danced cueca in a opportunity but I hate it jaja!
    See you (:

  4. Hi Fran :D, did you eat a suckling pig this year like you eat for your birthday, no? hahahaha, i's so disgustinggggg ewwww! love you :D
