viernes, 18 de octubre de 2013


Hi teacher and classmates, today I´m going to talk about my beautiful pet, she is my little poodle toy Luly. She is very small and weights two kilos; also she is white and has six years old. Luly was a gift from my parents for Christmas; they gave it to me because I wanted to have a small dog to have it in the house or with me in my room, and for that reason Luly was the perfect choice.
 Luly is so special to me, she sleeps with me, is my companion all day, in fact it's like my baby; the only bad thing is that it is very heavy and angry with all the people outside the family, but those are details. As I said before Luly is like my baby's and for that reason I care so much, I give special meal that I prepare, I bath her once a week and of course I give so much love every day. I love Luly and I hope she lives many more years and always be with me.

5 comentarios:

  1. Your dog is like a human jajaj she is so beautiful(:

  2. Luly is like my pets! They sleep in my bed too!
    Luly is beautiful! See you!

  3. Fran, your pet is lovely and very nice!!! :)

  4. jajaja Luly is a baby :3 , It's like Sacha, my pet :)

    see you

  5. nice story. And luly look really cute in the picture in the bed jaja
    See you!
