jueves, 17 de octubre de 2013


Hello classmates, today I going to talk about a special meal. The meal was with my boyfriend in Bariloche, we were celebrating our first day of vacation together in another country, the restaurant was called El Montañes. In there place we ate a delicious barbecue with some delicious fruit juices. The dinner was very special to me because it was very romantic and also had a very entertaining time together with good food, my boyfriend always remember those times together with the potos that we took and we keep to remember.
I hope to go to that place again, Bariloche is a beautiful place with good restaurants and beautiful scenery, but also with loving people that living in the place. 

2 comentarios:

  1. Aww nice, the love is beautiful and always is amazing share with this special person
    See you :)

  2. You look so beautiful with "Thor" jaja. See you Fran(:
