viernes, 25 de octubre de 2013

27 F

Hello teacher and classmates, today I’m going to talk about the earthquake of February 27. This event was two years ago in 2010, I was in a car when the earthquake began with a friend; we came on way home from a party. When the earthquake began the car stopped and began to move a lot, also the wind was very strong. I don’t have a fear of earthquakes and for this reason when the earthquake finished, I quickly return home seeing if my family was okay. Fortunately nothing happened to them, the only problem was that my mother had a fit of hysteria and my little brother was in tears; in the house was all good, all the crockery was in It place and also the furniture.

For me and everyone I know the earthquake was not as severe because nobody got hurt and no one lost their house or something like that, but in the south in places like Iloca, Dichato, Cobquecura the earthquake was something catastrophic that destroyed everything in its path helped by the tsunami that term by raze everything leaving hundreds dead, children without their mothers, wives without husbands and also completely destroyed families.

The earthquake was very intense with a magnitude of 8.8° on the scale of Richter becoming the second strongest in the history of Chile and the sixth strongest in world history. Everyone knows that Chile is a very seismic country and we all know that will continue to be home to large earthquakes therefore we must be better prepared to withstand these disasters and do not continue to collect as many lives and families.    


viernes, 18 de octubre de 2013


Hi teacher and classmates, today I´m going to talk about my beautiful pet, she is my little poodle toy Luly. She is very small and weights two kilos; also she is white and has six years old. Luly was a gift from my parents for Christmas; they gave it to me because I wanted to have a small dog to have it in the house or with me in my room, and for that reason Luly was the perfect choice.
 Luly is so special to me, she sleeps with me, is my companion all day, in fact it's like my baby; the only bad thing is that it is very heavy and angry with all the people outside the family, but those are details. As I said before Luly is like my baby's and for that reason I care so much, I give special meal that I prepare, I bath her once a week and of course I give so much love every day. I love Luly and I hope she lives many more years and always be with me.

jueves, 17 de octubre de 2013


Hello classmates, today I going to talk about a special meal. The meal was with my boyfriend in Bariloche, we were celebrating our first day of vacation together in another country, the restaurant was called El Montañes. In there place we ate a delicious barbecue with some delicious fruit juices. The dinner was very special to me because it was very romantic and also had a very entertaining time together with good food, my boyfriend always remember those times together with the potos that we took and we keep to remember.
I hope to go to that place again, Bariloche is a beautiful place with good restaurants and beautiful scenery, but also with loving people that living in the place. 

viernes, 4 de octubre de 2013

A beautiful beach

Hi teacher and classmates, today I´m going to talk about a beautiful beach that I know, this beach calls Ñague. This amazing beach is in the north of the country near to Los Vilos, but this beach is special because nobody knows, because is a private beach and only the rich people who live in that place have the main access, for that reason all the people who want the visit the beach must go through to a ravine to get it, and is very difficult because the ravine is so big, and also is so steep.

The last time I visit this beach was in fiestas Patrias, I went with my boyfriend and we spent all morning there, was very special because the beach is completely alone and were just two of us, we walk along the beach, collected shells, take the sun and also we swam up a bii, the beach is beautiful and really romantic, my boyfriend and I spent a great time together.

I think that is amazing find a beach that nobody knows, is great visit a beach all to yourself , because you can have a romantic moment, also you can swim much more relaxed and do wherever you want.