lunes, 22 de julio de 2013

My experience this semester

Hello classmates, today I am going to talk, about my experience this semester in the class of english three. I enjoy so much this clase, because is really entertaining and relaxed, with good company and also with an amazing teacher;  is really good way of start the week.

My favorite post was about my best holidays, because I remember all the good moments, and all the new places that I know. My least favorite post was about a building, I think it was a very boring and uninteresting to write jejej in my personal experience.

In my opinión all the blogs of my classmates were very interesting and with good stories, but I most say that the most attractive blog is the blog of Kassandra in my particulary opinion, because I always read her publications and i think they are interesting.

For me the blog was a really good help as a lenguage learning tool, because, I learning new words, and corrected some mistakes in my english vocabulary.

I hope that the next level (english four)  be just as entertaining to english three, and of course  I hope that we all learn much more about english.



lunes, 8 de julio de 2013


Hello classmates, today I´m going to talk about my favorite Tv programme, for me,  the best anime of all time, I talk about SLAM DUNK.

This anime tell the story of Hanamichi Sakuragi, a man with a very sad life, and with a even worse love life. Sakuragi known basketball when he meets Haruko, the sister of akagi, captain of Shohoku. Hanamichi start practicing basketball and discover his real passion, and also his nemesis, a guy call Rucawa, the most handsome guy of the school. From this moment Sakuragi focus his life in the sport, he played the position of Ala pivot and whit the shirt number ten of his teen, he quickly becomes in one of the most important player oh Shohoku and later one of the most important players in the regional area, and of the entire country.

The programme started in 1993 and finished in 1996, with only 101 chapters that end when the basketball team Shohoku go to the regional championship, but with a complete story in japonese manga whit 31chapters.

I whatched this programme in ETC Tv, many years ago, and still loved, because is very funny and also is a really interesting story for me, and for many people.


viernes, 5 de julio de 2013

My favourite song

Hi friends, today I will talk about my favorite song, This is "How you remind me", of the rock group call Nickelback

I love this song because it tells the story of a sad and lonely man, who still loves the woman who played with him and broke his heart, and because of that is why the man still wonders if she continues play with him and his love for her.

The first time I heard this song, was many years ago when I was with my best friend in her house! both hear this song together and we loved!! and still love even, especially because I remember many times in my life and also many people who at some point were very important to me.

Listen to it is a cool song, I leave the link


A place I like in Santiago

The Parque Arauco mall is a place I like in Santiago, is located in Las Condes, specifically in the Kennedy avenue.

I love this mall because I love shopping, I always find very good deals, besides in that place are my favorite stores and a big variety of everything you want, clothes, shoes, bags, food, etc..
Another thing I love about this mall is the cinema, because with my boyfriend we always go and find the best premieres and the best prices!!

Every time we go to the mall with my boyfriend used La Piramide as a route, especially at night because is very romantic see all the lights of Santiago.
The last time I went was two days ago with my boyfriend my mom and my brother.

jueves, 4 de julio de 2013


Hello followers today I will talk about a book that I love and that according to my opinion is one of the best, this is EL TUNEL, of Ernesto Sabato. I read this book because my school was obligatory and because I had a test on it, but I must say I enjoy so much reading it.

The book tells the story of the painter Juan Pablo Castel, which creates an obsessive love for Maria Iribarne, the woman who was his partner for a time, living an intense love that ends in tragedy, because Castel blinded by jealousy and obsession kills Maria in an act of madness.

I enjoyed the book because it is a very interesting story, mixing the theme of love, jealousy, obsession and also because the book has a lot of suspense in Castel's character, because of his impulsive acts in all the history.

I recommend this book, I think everyone should read it at least once because it is bright, captures your attention at all times and also have a beautiful history of romance and madness and according to my opinion the best book of all time

Chris Hemsworth

Hello classmates, today I speak of someone I would love to know, he is chris hemswoth, better known as the actor who plays Thor.

I'd love to see it or better yet know because I think it's the most beautiful man in the entire world, with his beautiful blue eyes, long blond hair, big muscles, and her beautiful face, definitely if I want to meet someone in hollywood is him.

If I came to know and have before me, I would faint first and then take lots of pictures next to it, for that way always have the memory that I was with him!! I would also like to go out with him, eat something , talk, then I would show that my best friend who also thinks he's a beautiful man, to finally say good bay him and tell him that always find a fan who admires his work here in Chile.

I hope that this actor always perfomer the unique and incomparable Thor for all time, and of course I hope that him, continue being the beatiful man that is today.