sábado, 27 de abril de 2013

The world's tallest building

Hi friends, today I will talk of a building that is very interesting to me, the Burj Khalifa, which is located in the Emiratos Arabes, in the city of Dubai. I am interested in this building because it is the highest in the world!! has 163 floors and more than 200 meters high. The building divides your floors in primarily commercial areas, and also in luxurious suites for business leaders.
I first heard of this building was in Discovery Channel, because they were giving a documentary about this subject, and how important will be this building for the world
For the people of Emiratos Arabes, the building is a pride, something that represents their superior engineering and design structure, and thus also a sample of all the money the country has, because this building was built with more than 1.9 billion euros.
The Burj Khalifa has a very modern architecture, which blends excellently with the typical architecture of the city, which is one of the most modern and sophisticated in the world.
I hope you liked my publication and has taught a little more about the building more taller and more imposing than the world seen.

2 comentarios:

  1. Amazing! :D
    I really love that kind of buildings :3
    My Twin Towers are little structures compared to this one:3
    see you!

  2. WOW! It's huge!! I wish some day I could visit it or see it at least
