viernes, 27 de septiembre de 2013

Something I would like to learn to do...

Hello teacher and classmates, today I ´m going to talk about something I would like to learn to do.  I love to learn to dance Tango, be a wonderful tango dancer. I want to dance tango because it is a dance very sensual and also very beautiful, besides is not very common and not all dance it. I think it´s very hard to learn to dance, because the steps are very complicated and also I´m not a good dancer, in fact I never danced so this would be a challenge for me.  Tango is a dance very difficult according to experts for that matter; I think I could learn to dance in a time of six months if I work hard, besides all the steps must be coordinated whit dance partner and that adds difficulty.

For dance tango I not need much equipment, just a good pair of high heels and a beautiful dress to look cute in the dance floor.  I think it will be a great difficulty doing tango steps because they need a lot of discipline and dedication, another difficulty that can arise is the coordination with dance partner.

I hope in the future learn to dance tango and hopefully be a excellent dancer and show beautiful choreographies.  


viernes, 13 de septiembre de 2013

Fiestas Patrias

Hello teacher and classmates, today I am going to talk about one of my best Fiestas Patrias celebration, that was three years after in Los Vilos, I went with my family and my best friend  all the week of celebration, we spend a wonderful time, we laugh a lot, eat a lot and drink a lot to!!

My friend and I go out so much together and for that reason, we met two friends and with them we pass a so much funny and good moments all that week.

The days 18 and 19 my family did a big and delicious roast, with meat, ribs, sausage, and chicken all that accompanied with rice, potatoes and salad, this two days I eat like crazy and went up two kilos,also those two nights my family my friend and I went to the Fonda, in that place we dance cueca, eat empanadas, and play typical games of Chile.

I hope that this year the celebration be as good as three years before, I want eat a lot, share with my family, friends and my boyfriend and also I hope enjoy the beach and all the attractions that brings the holyday.

I wish you all spend a wonderful Fiestas Patrias celebration!!! I hope you enjoy a lot too!!


viernes, 6 de septiembre de 2013


Hello teacher and classmates, today I going to write about my favourite soap, VICTORIA!! The best soap that I watched in my life. This it´s Colombian soap that tells the story of Victoria de Arismendi, a woman of 50 years, mother of three, and wife of the prestigious and rich lawyer Enrique Arismendi.

The drama begins when Enrique leaves Victoria for a young woman, Tatiana a beautiful lawyer. Victoria stays alone with her 2 daughters and her son and suffer a lot of time for her husband.  Time later Victoria knows Geronimo Acosta a young and handsome radio announcer a men who pursues and falls in love with her. They begin a beautiful relationship, in the first instance all her family opposes and also his husband, but she continues whit Geronimo no matter what.

In the final moment Enrique leaves Tatiana and Geronimo go out of the country for job matters, but Victoria would not accompany.  Enrique wanted to recover Victoria, but she doesn’t want, then when Geronimo returned for her, he and Victoria stay together and began a live side by side
Enrique stay alone, and Tatiana never returned with him, because she understand that he never love her.